Sunday, April 25, 2010

Use Illustrator 10 to construct a wavy circle

Use illustrator 10 to draw a wavy circle.
  1. Use (Ellipse tool) draw a circle with stroke equal "10" and color black.
  2. Click (Rotate Tool) and press "Alt" key to bring down the Transform Window, set the rotating angle to 20 degrees and check "copy".
  3. Click (Object)(Rotate)(Transform Again) to add a circle.
  4. Repeatedly click the (Transform Again) until the complete circle is formed.
  5. Draw a big circle co-center with the above group-circles.
  6. Click (Select)(all) to select all circles.
  7. Start pathfinder window and click (Add shape) button to make the group-circles into a wavy circle.
  8. Save the work.
  9. Start Photo Shop 7, open the wavy circle and a photo, use the masking method to select picture from the photo.
  10. Work done.

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