Thursday, April 22, 2010

Transform a Picture into a Pictorial Circle
It is easy to transform a picture into a pictorial circle by using Illuatrator 10.
  1. Open a picture such as Mickey Mouse, then click The "Rotate Tool" and press "Alt" key to bring down the Rotating Window, Set the rotating angle to 20 degrees and check "Copy".
  2. Click (Object)(Transform Again) to add another picture into the circle.
  3. Click repeatedly the (Transform Again) until it form a complete circle.
  4. Set the background to transparent.
  5. Draw a white circle co-center to the pictorial circle, click (Object)(Arrange-Send to the back) to send the white circle to the back.
  6. Save the pictorial circle.
  7. Start Photo Shop 7, open a photo , open the pictorial circle and set the width and height to 4".
  8. Drag and drop the pictorial circle on to the photo.
  9. Use the pictorial circle as a mask to select the picture from the photo.
  10. Color the background with white.
  11. Press "Fatten Image".
  12. Save it as jpeg image.

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