Friday, April 23, 2010

Forming a shape of spade:
  1. Start Illustrator 10.
  2. Use Ellipse Tool to draw 2 circles and a square.
  3. Rotate the square into 90 degrees.
  4. Arrange them together in the form of heart shape.
  5. Click (Window)(Pathfinder) to bring down the Pathfinder Window, then click (Add to shape) button to erase lines within the heart shape.
  6. Use Ellipse Tool again to draw 2 circles and a rectangle.
  7. From the Pathfinder window click (Subtract from shape) button to form a handle.
  8. Put them together to form a spade.
  9. Save the work.
  10. Start Photo Shop 7 and use the previous method to do the selection of pictures from the photos.

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