Saturday, October 16, 2010

Air -conditioner DIY Service

on 1st of Oct, Friday, I decided to service the air cond with the gas by my self. So I went to North East refrigeration parts Pte Ltd and bought a set of meter gauge and a cylinder of air cond gas (No 22). The bill was $112.30. I spent just 20 minutes to pump in the gas and the air cond. was back to normal condition again. The gas I used is not even more than 10% of the whole cylinder of gas I bought. It means I still have lot of gas left behind for next DIY service.

I bought a cylinder of air cond gas (Refrigerant 22) which costs me $56.00.

I bought a set of Air pump meter gauge which cost me $48.00.

on 26th of May 2010, my master room's air-cond. was not working properly. It look like the air-cond.- gas was runing out. So I called Ever Freezing service man to come and top up the gas. At the end, the bill was $ 94.30. but after 5 months the air-cond-gas ran out again.

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