Monday, March 29, 2010

On the way to my sister's house.
Waiting for the bus No.10

My daughter & her family

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My grand-children

My grand-daughter
My grand-son

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Polyclinic's Computer broke down

On 10-030-2010, I got up at because I needed to go to Marine Parade Polyclinic for the blood test. When I reached there, it is nearly, as I wanted to press the computer screen for the queue number, a man stood beside the computer told me the computer system was broken down.He then gave me a pink card with a number 18. At that moment I was so happy that my queue number was less than 20, but when the technician called the number 1 to 4 to go for the blood test, I saw a group of patients was dashing to the door. A man was shouting at the technician. He complained that he came at 7.30am to get a computer printed queue number 1 yet he was not allow to go for the blood test first. The technician insisted that the computer printed queue numbers were not accepted as the computer system was broken down and he was given an instruction by his chief not to accept the computer printed queue numbers. At that moment those patients who had computer printed queue numbers were very angry and argued with the technician. I advised the man who had computer printed queue number 1 go and find the sister nurse to solve out his case. A woman nurse was then came to find out what had happened.
After some heated argument, she realised that there were two different set of queue numbers with the same queue order were given out. One set is computer printed and the other set is pink cards. She then agreed to let the patients with computer printed queue number to go for the blood test first follow by the patients with pink card queue numbers. At the end my queue number became 36 instead of 18. It took me almost one hour to wait for my turn to go for the blood test.
I found that the officer-in-charge of the Polyclinic lack in experience to handle an unforeseen circumstances.
An officer-in -charge of an organization must be experience, calm and able to give a clear instruction to his fellow staff when an unforeseen incident happened, otherwise the whole organization would be in chaotic state.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Editing Photo

The photo below is taken by using Sony Ericsson Hand-phone Camera. It was over exposed. Therefore I need to do some adjustment. The method is as below:
  1. Open PhotoShop 7 then open the over exposed photo.
  2. Click (image)(Adjustment)(Levels) to bring down the window, check the preview square, click and drag the right-hand tiny triangle to the left until the prewview shows the brightness is reduced, then click "OK"
  3. Click (Image)(Adjustment)(Brightness & Contrast) to bring down the Contrast window, check the preview square, then set the contrast to "10", then click "OK".
  4. Click (image)(Adhustment)(Curve) to bring the curve window. Check the preview square, click and drag the striaight line curve down a bit until the preview shows the photo is more clearer and focused, then click "OK".
  5. The process of editing the photo is completed

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

03-03-2010, 3.00pm
To-day is the third time I went to East Coast park alone for cycling. The weather is very hot. I felt exhausted after cycling 2 rounds from the Budok jetty to Sailing club. But along the way I have taken some photos as an incentive.